About Near & Dear Photo Solutions
Hello, I’m Karen! I was teased a lot growing up with “Near” as my last name! After almost every introduction, I heard, “Near, right, not far?”, “Just how near are you?” or “Are you near & dear to my heart?”
The “near & dear” part stuck with me, so when I started my business, I knew I wanted to focus on what was “near & dear” to MY heart. Luckily, after getting married and changing my name, the questions and name-teasing stopped, but my maiden name gave me a great name for a business about precious photos!
My relationships and my memories are the most precious parts of my life! I bet they are to you, too. Photographs and videos allow us to reflect back on our lives, and they help tell our story. Memories of the special people in our lives and these special times are captured for us in photos and videos. We celebrate and linger, as we remember, relive and reminisce.
I’m one of those “photo moms”, always the family member behind the camera! My love of capturing memories first on film, and then digitally, created a huge collection! As I wrangled and curated my collection, I realized I could help others do the same! Organizing my digital and physical photos, allows me to share my treasured memories through photo slideshows, photo gifts and digital or printed photo albums.
I am a proud certified member of The Photo Managers. This association is a global professional community that provides a certification program, best-practice industry standards, an international annual conference and a community for learning, support and expertise. Using these resources as a Certified Photo Manager, I can provide the personal attention your collection deserves.
Let me help you keep your “near & dear” photos at your fingertips, so you can share your priceless memories with those you love!
Karen Harris
Near & Dear Photo Solutions